Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Thank goodness that's done!

I've had a bit of a stressful few days and evenings frantically trying to finish my latest OU course essay for the deadline this evening. The advantage of being able to submit online is that in theory as long as you get the thing in before midnight, you're okay! I always do this to myself though, leave the writing to the last minute and then find I really don't have enough time to do myself justice yet I seem to get motivated and work better when I am up against an immovable and fast approaching deadline. Anyhows it is done now, nothing more I can do about it. Just wait for the marked copy to come back and in the meantime start thinking about the next one...

Only two more essays to write and then an extended end of course essay and if, fingers crossed, I do reasonably well in these, I will have a Diploma in Politics and Government before the end of the year. That will make it all seem worthwhile.


Morandia said...

WOW! You have been busy! Sounds like an interesting diploma to get! Then again, I have a BA degree in Political Science with a concentration in international and comparative politics, so it's an area near and dear to me!

Good luck on the other essays!

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Well done, you. My two projects are not going as well--ECDL and UK driving licence. I can't see the end of either of them yet. But, Derek's driving has come along so well you'd never know he was ever afraid of it, so I guess there is hope for me, eventually. :)

What's next on your agenda? And how many diplomas have you racked up at this point?

jamie said...

well done,mark.
it pays off to push yourself,doesn't it.